Bourbon Street: 5 Bibles and 100+ Tracts

I got onto Bourbon Street just before 9pm with 5 Bibles and 100+ tracts. As I started walking from one end of the busy section to the other I just began handing tracts out to people saying, "Here, let me leave this with you as a reminder that Jesus loves you." Most people shrugged the tract away but by the end of the night all of them were handed out! As I got to the end of Bourbon Street where it meets Canal, there were two tables with chess boards and apparently you could play one of the two men for $10 and if you win they would pay you $20. This brother, Byron, invited me to play a game but I explained what I was doing. Hearing my mission, he said, "well hey, play me for just $5 and you can witness to me while we play." Ha! Well, I agreed and played a short match while I shared my testimony and prayed for him. After leaving the chess area, I encountered a young couple and when I told them that Jesus loves them, they both stopped in their tracks and admi...