Louisiana May

Blessings to you and yours!! We began our time in Louisiana by making our 50 mile voyage in the new camper. ...and she drives great! Thank you all for keeping us in your prayers after our last camper died. We arrived at CrossLife Fellowship on May 10th, and stayed there for the rest of the month. While there, we were able to minister to the community during the church's "adopt a block" by going door-to-door, praying for people. We were blessed by the church's cafe ministry which serves free lunch to the community. And Tobiah shared at CrossLife's Men's breakfast and Sunday's main service. What a very active church, something going on almost every day of the week! CrossLife is right across the Mississippi River from New Orleans, so at night, Tobiah would go out for ministry. Some nights he would go out with the cross and some nights he would go out with handfuls of Bibles, but every night he went with Jesus and had Holy Ghost enco...