Philadelphia: The city of brotherly love

God says to the church in Philadelphia, " I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown." ( Revelation 3:11) Last week I took the cross to Philadelphia. It was the first time I had the cross strapped to my car...I must admit, it looked a little crazy: I drove past Center City and just allowed the Spirit to lead me to a starting point. I took an exit near an older residential area and parked near a church on Berks and Memphis Streets. This was an easy intersection to remember because there's a Berks Street in Stowe and Nicolas Cage's character in "Gone in 60 Seconds" was named Memphis. As I began walking a man yelled out of his truck, "Hey, where's Moses!?" I replied, "I believe you're thinking of Simon of Cyrene." So he asked, "Didn't Moses help Jesus carry the cross?" The other guy in his truck replied, "No man, you're way off." Then they asked me about the cro...