And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward" (Matthew 10:42).

I had an awesome CrossWalk yesterday. It started out a little rough though. As soon as I set of from Stowe I started having mind-games. I was thinking, "Man, why are you doing this...people are just going to think you're crazy...this doesn't make a difference." On top of that, a loose dog was barking at me and the guys at the garage across the street were yelling, "hey, it's too hot for that!" Just then, a woman pulled over and walked up to me with tears in her eyes. She said that she was struggling with her faith and was just asking God to help her when she saw me carrying the cross. I shared that I had just been struggling with mind games too so we were both able to encourage one-another.

Praise God, I was blessed to minister to many people over the seven hour walk. I'll just share a few of the encounters. A police officer stopped me and asked if he could help. He said a terrible storm was about to hit and he could take me to some shelter (it had just started raining). I felt a peace about walking so I told him I'd be alright. We must carry our cross rain or shine sleet or snow! Anyway, as I stepped off to continue my trek I asked God for better weather and truly, it was a beautiful day for the rest of my walk!

I was listening to the Bible App on my phone so I hardly heard the woman calling from behind me. She said that her father died three years ago but she still has a hard time with it. She was just praying in her car on the way to work when she saw me. She started crying and said that she was a stripper, that she was a Christian, and she's been wanting to get out of that business for a while. We prayed the grace and blessing of God over her life and she ran to her car jumping and shouting "you made my day, God bless you!"

When I stopped for lunch a couple gentlemen came over to hear my testimony and a woman and her daughter brought a cup of water for me. The mother said that they had seen me on the road and when they got home her daughter, Sadie, told her excitedly, "Mom, we have to get water for that man!" I told them that she's brave because you can't trust everyone out on the road. Then I gave her a copy of Tobiah and the Cross, and inscribed it: "Sadie, continue to carry your cross by sharing God's love -Tobiah"

I started walking again and a young woman named Alex pulled over with her friend Cliff. I mostly spoke with Cliff about God's overwhelming love and shared testimony from my walk across America. Alex was pretty quiet so I wasn't sure if she was a believer or not. We prayed and they drove away. Then, a little later Alex pulled up again and gave me a couple bottles of water and a book that Cliff wrote. She said that she is a newer believer and showed me a scripture tat on her wrist. The book is titled Contemporary Christian Poetry, by Clifford Bell and here's the picture Alex took:

I was about three hours into the walk so I knew I should be turning around soon. Then I saw a man walking towards me. I figured once I talk to him I'll turn back and head home. His name was Stephen and he asked if he could carry the cross so I passed it to him. We took about five more steps when two other gentlemen, Aaron and Rick, stopped us. All of us had a testimony dealing with addictions and depression so we prayed for breakthrough in those areas and consistency. We ended up having church at the side of the road for about an hour. A police officer that I had spoken to months ago stopped and said, "Hey Marine! You're still carrying that cross?! Would you like a Gatorade?" and then two guys in high school stopped. They said they heard about the CrossWalk on Facebook and they wanted to come out and see. The one guy shared a testimony of how his neck was broken during a football game and how God had pulled him through. We just had an awesome time in Jesus name!

Well, that's when I turned around and headed home but this post is already too long. Thank you Jesus for a beautiful day and awesome ministry. Lord, may we all be saturated in your love and minister in the overflow of that love. Thank you for Jesus' sacrifice on the cross that through His death we may have life to the fullest!


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