Mississippi Part 2

Grace to You -- and Peace

The month of June was an interesting one. We wrapped up ministry in Louisiana, and were passing through Mississippi on our way to Tennessee. While back in Picayune, MS, we took the camper into the repair shop to have some work done. 

We didn't anticipate a $4200 bill in repairs, but that's what needed to happen. The rainy season brought about some leaks, and the air conditioners weren't working right, along with several other things.

 So we took the RV to the garage knowing that we didn't have the resources enough to cover it, and by the grace of God, everything was taken care of!! A check from the military came in; mind you, we had been waiting for this check for over a year now!! It covered one third of the bill!! We emptied out our savings again, and with the help of a few friends; all of our needs were met!

Now that brings us to the Kinchen family. They hosted us for the month of June, and let me tell you, we've never experienced such hospitality before!! They are some of the most generous people we've ever met... and it's a lifestyle for them!! Thank you Rhonda, and Mark for making room for us, and allowing us to just "be"...to refuel and refresh, and inviting us into your family. We're so thankful to have crossed paths, not just once, but twice now!! Sad to say goodbye, but y'all will be forever friends in our book!! 

This is where faith grows... On top of the $4200 repair bill, after we left Picayune, Mississippi; our camper completely broke down on us. 

We had it towed to Clanton, Alabama through AAA, and discovered that it was the fuel pump (another $1200). And just when we least expected it, our van began to make this grinding noise, to which we took it to the shop, and found out our brakes were almost completely out (another $500). That's not to mention the hotel bill that's been accumulating as we've been temporarily displaced. 

While I know the Lord is more than able to provide for our needs; being displaced for the last week has really made me question if we're making a difference (you know... doing the right thing). Until yesterday. 

Tobiah went out early morning to carry the cross, and about mid afternoon texted me to say that he was with a reporter. She had just quit her previous job to pursue journalism, and was talking to her mom the night before, asking for prayer because she needed encouragement, and a sign from God that she was doing the right thing. Well, the next day, she got her first assignment! ...A man carrying a cross! 

She was so encouraged as she sat with Tobiah to talk about the Lord, and all that he's done. I'm convinced that the Lord had us here just for her, and it encouraged me too! That we're in the right place, at the right time, and God is sovereign!!
Now to move back into our camper soon, and hopefully be done with all the repairs. Can I get an "amen!"

You can read the article from our time in Clanton, AL by clicking this link: http://www.clantonadvertiser.com/2017/07/06/spotted-on-seventh-street-a-man-carrying-a-cross/

CrossWalk Giving 
Rev. Tobiah P. Steinmetz
995 West High Street
Pottstown, PA 19464
"Deny yourself and take up your cross" (Mark 8:34)


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