9/11 Million Muslim March

During my walk across America I met a fellow cross bearer named Lance Rowe. Connecting with him has also helped me connect with other cross bearers as well. We've created a group on Facebook to enable us to pray for and encourage one another. A few weeks ago, the group brought to my attention that the Islamic community was planing a "Million Muslim March" on September 11th, 2013. In response to this protest (and to honor those who lost their lives on 9/11), American bikers began planning a "Two Million Biker" rally. They were denied their permit to protest in the Capital but rode around DC nevertheless.

Our group of cross bearers felt led to intercede over the day so we began an event titled "One Hundred Crosses" with the intention to pray for every Muslim, Biker, and fellow man in DC today. Trevor, Caleb, and I built crosses yesterday for this event and then this morning we left for Washington with my wife, Yvelisse, and daughter, Yvonne. We arrived in DC just after 10am and began walking with our three 12 foot crosses. We prayed, sounded a loud blast from the shofar that my pastor's wife lent us, and then we were off to walk around the capital.

When we got to the National Mall, I was encouraged to see Lance and a dozen other cross bearers already there. One of Yvelisse's prayers had been that the Lord would disorganize the Muslims' protest in order to give God the glory and leave this day set apart to remember the victims of September 11th. Well, God must have done that because I didn't see more than a dozen Muslims today. It seemed that there were more Christians than Muslims at the mall! ...and there were nearly a million bikers in DC today. Here is a picture that the bikers posted:

The day was a success for our little group of 5 from Pottstown. We were blessed to pray with many people, witness to Muslims, speak with journalists (the Washington Post), discuss the Messiah with Jews, and even tour some monuments and museums. Personally, I just loved doing ministry with my wife and carrying the cross with Trevor and Caleb. Today was a victory for the Kingdom, no matter how you look at it. Here are a few pictures from the day:

Thanks for viewing. May God bless you! And may God bless America!!


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