Pottstown, PA

Yesterday I went to the funeral of an amazing 92 year old Christian woman named Viola Boyer. Her life was such a testimony of God's love and it was a tremendous blessing to hear the stories of how she "carried her cross" daily. I saw a friend there and enjoyed hearing her share about how Viola was a Sunday school teacher and invited her and her brother to church a long time ago. Today her and her brother are both Sunday school teachers. Viola has left a lasting legacy

Yesterday was also the first time that Evie, Yvonne, and I walked with the cross as a family. We were blessed to pray and minister with many people. A young man named Bryan gave his heart to the Lord and we were privileged to lead him in a prayer of salvation. It was a beautiful day and we are so excited about the calling that the Lord has given us. Also, we just ordered a shofar from TheTallitMan in preparation for our trip to Washington DC for September 11th.


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