PA Route 100 South "Jesus is my Boss"

Yesterday I CrossWalked from home through Coventry and into Pughtown, PA. Kyle Smith began the walk with me but it was a bit intimidating walking on the highway so he decided to leave me when we got to the Coventry Mall. The first person that I spoke with was very sarcastic about the cross. I ended up telling him that if he just lets down his guard and opens his heart Jesus will speak to him. The man cursed Jesus and sped off. I pray the Lord ministers to that man's heart even now. I think he was wounded by the church and hasn't dealt with that. It's funny... all Christians are hypocrites. We desire to do good but we do bad because none of us are perfect. Well, when people look at a Christian to see Christ it's easy to be let down. We'll still do our best to reflect God but my prayer is that people see Jesus, not me.

The rest of the walk was great. I met a man named Steven and we got to pray over his marriage. Then a minister named Nathaniel stopped and expressed how powerful the message was. He said that if I was from town (and he pointed North to Pottstown) he'd ask me to speak at his church sometime. I laughed and replied that I am from town! It started to rain but I kept truckin'. We must carry our cross rain or shine! I spoke and prayed with many other people and just had a blast serving Jesus. I told Yvelisse that a few people blessed us financially. She replied that she loves how Jesus is my boss... that I just work for Him. I thought it was funny because the Bible calls Jesus Lord... Back in bible times I think Lord was the equivalent of "boss."


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