Bronx, NY

Caleb and I had an awesome time CrossWalking in the Bronx today. Most people just walked by us with their heads to the ground or were too distracted by their phones or music to talk. *Don't be so distracted by the world that you miss Jesus. The people we did talk with were a blessing. For most of the day Caleb would walk on one side of the road while I walked on the other. This allows the more people to see the crosses. I spoke with 4 sisters who could have listened to me talk about Jesus all day but their bus arrived. Another street preacher and I spoke and were blessed to encourage one another. A man named Nixon stopped us to ask about the crosses. He was with two of his friends and said that he knew where we were coming from because he was born again. *Seek the second birth. Nixon told us it was hard to stay on The Path because his friends weren't born again...but he's been planting seeds. We spoke for a good while and prayed with him and his friends before leaving. W...