Written by Lance Rowe: I drove through the night in rain and snow in the higher elevations, passed a kidney stone on the way, and got to DC at 5:00 on Saturday morning to be with Pastors and Ministers of the Gospel to pray for the Nation. It was rainy and cold, and not conducive to bringing people out for "such a time as this". Truly only those with a passion to see this Nation return to God and the Body of Christ to come together across denominational and racial lines would endure such harsh conditions. The rain let up at about 8:00, and I drove around trying to find a spot we had parked at the last time we were in DC, and eventually found it. The meeting started at 9:00, and by the time it was 10:00, there were about 1,000 attendees. The call had gone out for 30,000 pastors to attend, but like I said, it wasn't a nice day. But 1,000 was nice, any way. I spoke to many pastors who were from all over the US who believed it was imperative for the Body of ...