Washington DC Prayer Meeting

Written by Lance Rowe:

I drove through the night in rain and snow in the higher elevations, passed a kidney stone on the way, and got to DC at 5:00 on Saturday morning to be with Pastors and Ministers of the Gospel to pray for the Nation. It was rainy and cold, and not conducive to bringing people out for "such a time as this". Truly only those with a passion to see this Nation return to God and the Body of Christ to come together across denominational and racial lines would endure such harsh conditions. The rain let up at about 8:00, and I drove around trying to find a spot we had parked at the last time we were in DC, and eventually found it.
The meeting started at 9:00, and by the time it was 10:00, there were about 1,000 attendees. The call had gone out for 30,000 pastors to attend, but like I said, it wasn't a nice day. But 1,000 was nice, any way. I spoke to many pastors who were from all over the US who believed it was imperative for the Body of Christ to unite together now, before it was too late. Assemblies of God, Church of God, Church of God of God in Christ, Baptist, and "full Gospel" Non Denominational were some I spoke to. They all had the same heart. They all said they were either a part of a local Pastor's Coalition, or that they couldn't find anyone in their area who had the same desire. These were leaders who were hungry for a Move of God that was bigger than them or their congregation. One Mind. One Accord. Unity in Diversity. A major theme was racial reconciliation in the Church.
A leading figure in the Assemblies of God and a Bishop from the Church of God in Christ testified how politics and unconfessed prejudice had resulted in a split between the black Christians and the White Christians a few years after Azusa Street, which had brought together Christians across racial, cultural, denominational, economic and doctrinal differences. So the Church of God in Christ became a "black church" and the Assemblies of God became a "white church". That mentality of black churches and white churches persists today, beyond the Assembles of God and the Church of God in Christ. Those racial walls are coming down, but not fast enough. Prayers of repentance were prayed on behalf of the Churches in the Nation. Then it started raining. Most people were prepared; but we weren't. Eric and Tobiah had hats or hoods, but I didn't. Umbrellas went up everywhere, rain gear got put on, and a lady came and stood by me with her umbrella. Praise the Lord! Soon the rain became mixed with snow, and I was glad that I decided to wear socks with my sandals!
People with umbrellas moved toward those who had none and shared their resources. I was blessed as I saw the parallel of the Church rising up as the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit begins to fall, and churches and ministries who have resources getting together with and assisting those who have little or none. I saw and experienced nothing but genuine unfeigned Love at that meeting.
And in the midst of all of this, there were the "self proclaimed" prophets or members of cults who filtered through the crowd carrying signs or distributing pamphlets about why there would be no last days revival, or why the Illuminati was going to have its way in these times, or why the Sunday worshippers were part of the problem. And that is how it is today in the "real world". There will always be those who sow discord to prevent unity among the brethren. I was glad they were there, to remind me of that truth, but when the local pastors in their various towns and regions begin to actually realize that more can be done in Unity with other churches and ministries, those dissenters will have no more power.
But there were more who demonstrated love for one another and expressed a desire for the Body of Christ to be ONE in Christ in order to further the Kingdom of God in this Nation.
Most of the speakers didn't even mention who they were. They came not for recognition, but for the Will of God to be done. There were a few names there who I wouldn't normally give much time to because of questionable doctrinal positions; but I understood that this was bigger than that, and they didn't push their doctrinal or personal agendas when they spoke. The truth is I have brothers and sisters who I deeply admire and love who don't necessarily believe the same way I do on every issue, but we don't allow those things to separate us. I can say I appreciated (just about) every message that went forth yesterday. And those few things that were said that I had a problem with, the Lord helped me to overlook.
I was blessed to have my cross there with ONE NATION UNDER GOD. I had expected there to be more crosses, but there were only a few on the periphery, and so mine was a much needed fixture there, and fit the theme of what those who were gathered there were about. Many people thanked us for bringing it. A lot of people took pictures of it with the Washington monument in the background.
I was absolutely blessed beyond words to be there in the midst of so many who had a desire for the Kingdom of God to be furthered in this Nation. It can get discouraging, trying to bring leadership together in an area for the cause of Christ. But things like this restore my faith. Just as God told Elijah that he wasn't alone, and that there were 7,000 who had not bowed their knees to the Baal of personal agendas and ambition. I know there are a few on this mountain who have not either, and we will continue to strive for that Unity among the leadership here.
This was just a little synapis of what went on there. But the Presence of God was certainly tangible in the midst of the harshness of the weather, and the desire of His leaders to see Him Move. It's harsh out there and bleak in the real world. When we get real and let the dividing walls come down, the Presence of God will permeate the atmosphere of our Nation.


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