50 states in 50 Months!!
Section 1
Crosswalk Ministry
Mission Statement:
Our mission is to
share Jesus with unbelievers, and encourage Christians to pursue their calling
by literally taking up our cross and fulfilling the Great Commission.
Our vision is to carry the cross in 50 states
in 50 months. While traveling we will speak at churches, do street ministry,
and serve single moms and widows by offering handyman services.
Our Ministries Foundational Verses:
But all these things are from God, who reconciled us to
Himself through Christ [making us acceptable to Him] and gave us the ministry
of reconciliation [so that by our example we might bring others to Him], that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to
Himself, not counting people’s sins against them [but canceling them]. And He
has committed to us the message of reconciliation [that is, restoration to
favor with God]. (2 Cor 5:18-19)
Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples
and said: "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take
up their cross and follow me. (Mark 8:34)
Our Message to the Churches:
“Step Out of
Comfort, and into Calling”
5 Year Ministry Plan:
50 States in 50
Section 2
Timeline for 50 States:
April/May- Alabama
June- Alaska (Hoping to have an RV by July)
July- Washington
August- Oregon
September- Idaho
October- Nevada
November- California
December- Arizona
January- New Mexico
February- Utah
March- Colorado
April- Wyoming
May- Montana
June- North Dakota
July- South Dakota
August- Nebraska
September- Kansas
October- Oklahoma
November- Texas
December- Louisiana
January- Mississippi
February- Arkansas
March- Missouri
April- Iowa
May- Minnesota
June- Wisconsin
July- Illinois
August- Indiana
October- Kentucky
December- Alabama
January- Florida
February- Georgia
March- South Carolina
April- North Carolina
May- Virginia
June- West Virginia
July- Ohio
August- PA
September- New York
October- Connecticut
November- Rhode Island
December- Massachusetts
January- New Hampshire
February- Vermont
March- Maine
April- New Jersey
May- Delaware
June- Maryland
Bi-Weekly Schedule:
Monday: Travel Day
Tuesday: Rest/ Family
Time/ Connect with Pastor of Church
Wednesday: Tobiah
works from 9-5pm, after 5pm family time
Thursday: Same as
Friday: Tobiah
Crosswalks city or town
Saturday: Crosswalk
Sunday: Tobiah speaks
to children in Sunday schools
Monday: Rest/ Family
Day/ Explore
Tuesday: Rest/ Family
Day/ Office Work/ Scheduling
Wednesday: Tobiah
works 9-5, after 5 is family time
Thursday: Same as
Friday: Crosswalk city
or town
Saturday: Crosswalk
Sunday: Tobiah speaks
to congregation about stepping out of comfort into calling
** As a handy man,
Tobiah would freely offer his services to the church through small projects and
making any repairs on their grounds; also extending his services to single moms
and elderly people in the congregation or community. (Handy Man Services
Include: Yard work, Disability ramps, Painting, Plumbing, Electric, Roofing,
and other small projects.)
** We submit our
schedule to the Lord, and remain open and flexible to His will for this journey.
Should any changes occur, we would communicate them to everyone else as soon as
“We can make our
plans, but the LORD determines our steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)
Section 3
Where will we stay?
With host families and/or
hotels until we can purchase or rent another motorhome.
What about schooling?
Evie will homeschool
both children
We will remain under
the spiritual covering of Pastor Mark and this congregation. We also plan to
consistently connect with several other spiritual mentors, life coaches to help
us navigate through any ministry, marriage, or parenting related issues.
What churches will we
connect with?
Our goal is to connect
with two churches a month in whichever state we're in; preferably Church of the
Brethren or Assemblies of God since we're already members or licensed within
these denominations.
Section 4
Monthly Income/Expenses:
G.I. Bill $1000
Rodan+Fields $500
Renters $1900
Total: $3400
Tithe $500
Cable and Internet $80
Phone $120 (1st)
Pulse $20
Crp $200
Tan $100
Mortgage $884 (5th)
Car & Home Insurance $100
Water $193 Pottstown Borough Hall
Electric $300 (8th)
Oil $200
Gas $200+
Trash $60
Taxes W/Ben $100
Other: $200
Total: $3257
** We'd like to be settled into a motorhome once in
Washington State. Still doing research as to how much this will cost on a month
to month basis. (With insurance, rent, and gas, possibly $4500+)
Church Partnership:
Coventry Church of the Brethren, and Other Churches with which we have a
Partnership: $4500/$35 a month= 128 partners
Rodan and Fields:
Evies online business (still new, but continuing to grow)
Section 5
Prayer Support:
1)Pray that ministry
will come out of the place of overflow in our relationship with God; that we
would know Him more intimately.
2)Doing life of the
road can be exhausting, especially with two children under the age of five.
Pray that the Lord would strengthen us as family and that we would find balance
in this area.
3)Pray that there
would be a harvest of souls for the kingdom of God as we share gospel.
4) Pray that the
Church will step out of comfort and into calling.
Stay Connected:
Follow us on Facebook:
Tobiah Steinmetz, Yvelisse Steinmetz
To sign up for our
BI-Monthly Newsletters, or read our blog, visit our website!
Website: www.Crosswalkministry.org
Email: Info@crosswalkministry.org
Phone: (484)363-3277
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