Portland, Maine

While CrossWalking Portland, Maine today a woman and her family stopped me to talk. She said, "OMG, I saw a guy carrying a cross in Naples, Maine (about an hour drive) yesterday, do you know him?" I told her it was me and in disbelief she said that's not possible. Her daughter had snapped a picture of "the crossbearer" the day before so they pulled it up and sure enough :) Meee, lol. She continued to tell me that her father passed about 2 yrs ago and she hadn't been to church since. With tears forming in her eyes, she said that our meeting couldn't be a coincidence and that she wanted to get right with God!
There was also a man about my age that was carrying a box of alcohol to the boat club. He told me, "I know it looks bad that I'm carrying all this alcohol, but I'm actually a Christian." He told me that he questioned his salvation because of Matthew 7:21-23 "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’" We spoke at length and I talked to him about grace but told him that he needs to grow in his faith and pursue his calling and he broke into tears and said, "I know I do!" He set the box down and we prayed.
Hundreds of people took pictures, I prayed with many of the homeless that resided on the streets, four college-age guys couldn't tell me the Gospel so I shared it with them. Three others questioned me until their ride came and I ministered to countless others. At one point I found myself on "Cross Road" at a one-way sign and decided it was a good place to stop and pray. As I was praying, I felt emboldened by the Holy Spirit and began open-air preaching. Many people said they were encouraged by the cross and one man waved his middle-finger at me as he drove past. ...Isn't it interesting how the cross affects people differently? I find it often is a mirror to show us the state of our heart <3 ...we ALL need Jesus.
In the evening I met up with Yvelisse, the kids, and Jenna Delagrange for dinner. Had my first Lobster roll (which I guess is a trademark Maine thing) and Jenna treated us to gelato, thanks sis!! God is Great! ‪#‎CrossWalk2016‬


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