Walking Rt. 23 in Warwick, PA (8/6/13)

The first week out with our RV!!

Yesterday I walked rt. 23 from Warwick Woods to Rt. 100 and back. It was the first time walking with this cross and in the first couple steps I could tell it was going to be a tough crosswalk. As I began walking I saw lots of dead and dried up worms on the road and later saw a dead bat. I thought to myself that this was going to be a rough day...

But thank God I was wrong :) It turned out to be a great day of ministry! I was stopped by a man named John who was driving a church van. He said that a group from his church goes on a retreat every summer and he's going to meet with them. He encouraged me and told me that he'd share my testimony with them. As I was speaking with him a woman named Felicity joined us. Felicity was overjoyed and encouraged by the message of the Cross but after a few moments she said that she had to leave; that she was late to pick up her son. When she left I prayed with John and began walking again.

At this point I realized that I hadn't drank any water...and it was painfully obvious. I started to get a headache and feel sick. I began to pray, “Lord, usually I'm blessed with water by now, what's going on?” Literally within a minute a man named Stan stopped and gave me a gatorade and a water. I chugged the gatorade, fellowshipped with him and began on my way. That's when I realized that I didn't have because I didn't ask. And when God blesses you, it's in abundance. A minute later I was walking past some road construction (bottle of water from Stan in my hand) and a worker jogged up to me and gave me a half-frozen bottle of water. I chugged the the bottle from Stan and gave the construction man the empty. Then I continued on my way, bottle of water from construction man in my hand. Two minutes later, a man named Matt stopped and asked if I needed any water. I held up the bottle in my hand but he insisted I have another one...I still had to decline his offer. Matt told me that he was on his way to record a Christian album. He said that several things had been lining up recently to where he was able to see God at work daily in his life. Last night Matt was at a Spirit-filled home-church and he said that seeing me with the cross today rekindled his spiritual fire. Matt also told me that he'll email me a link to his album which I will share with y'all at a later date. We prayed together and he gave me a couple bucks for lunch before he got back in his car.

I walked to the intersection of 23 and 100 and stood there holding the cross up high for a few moments. Then I turned back toward camp. I ate at a small cafe but they tried to get fancy and put too much vinegar on my salad. This made me feel even more sick. By this time I drank plenty of fluids but it still hadn't hit my system yet. I paid for my lunch and left the money from Matt as a tip. The host was surprised by my robe and couldn't help but ask me about it. I shared about the cross but since it's such a long story I directed him to my website and went on my way.

A man on a bicycle passed me, then turned around and came back. His name was Gabriel and he was really, really encouraging. We were both interested in eachother's testimonies and as we were sharing another man named Harry pulled over and joined us. I told them that we all have a cross to carry and that for Gabriel that could be biking if it glorifies God. He snickered and handed me a tract with a picture of a bicyclist. Then Harry gave me a rosary. This sparked a discussion between the two of them because Gabriel used to be Catholic but found what he called a freedom from the Catholic routines. We all agreed that Jesus plus nothing equals everything so I'm sure I'll catch up with them when we get to Heaven.

A woman named Maryann stopped and gave me another bottle of water. Then a woman named Debbie stopped and asked for prayer because she was on the way to a doctor appointment. Lastly, a woman named Angie stopped and asked if she could take my picture. She asked why I was carrying the cross so I shared and she said that her sister would love to hear this because she leads a church group. We prayed and then went our separate ways.

As I got back to the campground, I spoke with a woman and we both shared some testimony of how God was at work in our lives. I felt she was pretty on point with God's Truth but the last thing she said before leaving was, “It doesn't matter what god you believe in, just so long as you have faith.” This caught me off guard but she was gone before I could ask for clarity. When I turned onto the trail where our RV is parked Evie and Yvonne were outside waiting for me :)


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