Columbia, SC

What an awesome finish to our time "home" in South Carolina! Caleb and I drove to the RiverWalk and parked with a plan to CrossWalk past the StateHouse to 5-Points and back. After parking we were getting the crosses out of the car when two women stopped to ask what the crosses were for. Just seconds after arriving and we were already sharing the Gospel!

We got on the road and I stopped in to the McDonald's to use the restroom. When I came out, Caleb was speaking with a man named Lamont about the CrossWalk. We ministered to this brother and prayed with him at the roadside. Then, before leaving he blessed us with $100 and said, "keep doing what you're doing, it's a powerful statement!" Wow, God is so good!!

We prayerfully continued on to the StateHouse and then to 5-points, many people beeping and encouraging us on the way. When we got to the center of the city I stopped for a snack and Caleb walked up to a burger joint to get lunch. After my snack I spoke with a couple homeless gentlemen and felt led to walk around the 5-point block 7 times. As I was making my rounds several people took pictures of the cross  and a young man approached me with a little boy on his shoulders. The man's name was Ryan and the boy was his nephew Braden. Ryan shared an awesome testimony of how he and his wife came to know Christ through Teen Challenge. Caleb joined us and I blessed Braden with a copy of Tobiah and the Cross. We all prayed for one another and then parted ways. I finished two more laps around the block and then  Caleb and I began our trek back to the car.

As we passed the burger place, two sisters from our church came out to encourage us. I think it was an awesome witness because often times people don't know what to make of us (they don't know if we're crazy or not, lol) and this helped make our crosses more relational in a sense.

Then, on the last leg of the CrossWalk, a gentleman named Roy came out of a Good Year shop to meet us. He encouraged us and told us that he also carries the cross every once and a while. He went on to say that one time he carried the cross in the Department of Juvenile Justice and 10 of the juveniles walked with him. How awesome!

We got back to the car, and were loading up the crosses when a man walked out of a bathroom and came over to talk with us. His name was Shawn and after a long conversation he told us that he was in the bathroom drinking alcohol.  He said that he's Christian but doesn't have any positive influences in his life.  We were able to encourage him and I believe that he is going to be the positive influence in others' lives!!

We love y'all, God bless!!


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