Grip the Rock - Coventry COB

On Saturday I was blessed to share a short message at Coventry Church on S. Keim Street. Their outreach service is on the first Saturday of every month. Since February 1st was National Freedom Day I spoke on the Freedom that we have in Christ, Jesus.

Here is a brief outline of the message:

Freedom - For if the Lord sets you free, you will be free indeed!! (Jn 8:36)

1. Introduction
     -Lincoln's emancipation proclamation in 1865
     -Human Trafficking
     -Beginning of Black History Month
2. IICor 3:17
     -Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
     -Freedom & Liberty... What "liberty" meant while I was a US Marine
     -There is freedom in worship! (I was saved during worship)
3. Mark 8:34 (my life verse)
     -When you deny yourself you deny satan
     -Christ's cross was death so that our cross may be life
     -By carrying our cross we encourage others
4. Is 6:12 and Lk 4:18
     -Repeated in OT and NT because of its importance
     -Freedom to poor, prisoners, blind, and oppressed!
     -Recite the verse as a church and own it
5. Conclusion
     -Free people free people and healed people heal people
     -Walk in the freedom Christ has given you...for His glory
     -Enter this time of worship and focus on your freedom in Him!


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