Week In Review

On Saturday, Evie and I conducted pre-marital counseling for a couple getting married this week. Then on Sunday we counseled another couple as well. After Sunday's session, I met with a family in Pottstown and we did some street evangelism.
Even though it was snowing, many people were still out walking around the downtown area. We were blessed to pray with several people, including a young woman named Moriah, who gave her life to the Lord!!

Monday, Evie and I hosted a couple's night. It was a fun time fellowshipping with people at a similar stage in life as ourselves.

Then, Tuesday we took a van load to MorningStar Fellowship for their Celebrate Recovery program. It's been humbling allowing God to shape me through that program and seeing friends and family grow there as well.

Wednesday, Evie and I took Yvonne to Skippack to meet up with a woman for lunch. Frank had the honor of witnessing to this woman while we were CrossWalking in Lansdale last month. God's grace (through Frank's prayer and the image of the cross) had such a powerful effect on this woman that she messaged us desiring to meet up. It was an awesome time and I think that lifelong friendships were made.

Today, I've been working on a bunch of paperwork. I often get caught up in ministry and lose sight of the business side of the Cross Walk Ministry. Please pray as this will be the first time filing income taxes married, with baby, business, and non-profit incorporation.

Thanks and God bless!!

PS. Please also pray as I just bought a plane ticked to go minister in New Orleans for a couple weeks. (more info to come)


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