Wow, what a great season in Pennsylvania. We were able to buy and sell some kids clothes at the largest consignment sale in the US. Then we celebrated Junior's second birthday amongst family and friends. And now we're packing up to head to Louisiana. What a season of favor, as we were added to the missionary board at Coventry Church of the bretheren. We were also listed as Westmont Christian Academy's "missionaries of the month" and featured on Real Men Connect's weekly podcast. Totally humbled at how unqualified we are for this mission trip, and how our God still chooses to use us! Hallelujah!
Wow, I have really fallen behind with updates to this blog. Many apologies. In July, we began our 50 states mission trip in Maine. We camped in Naples and then spent a few weeks in Bangor when Pastor Bobby Bledsoe of City Reach offered to host us at his church. What an awesome, amazing time of ministry. Thousands saw the cross as I ministered outside of a Toby Keith concert and a handful gave their heart to the Lord as I ministered around Bangor inner city. In August we moved into New Hampshire and Pastor Ron Bodendorf, of Derry, (a fellow cross bearer) offered to host us for a couple weeks. Ministry in Manchester, Nashua, and surrounding towns was anointed! After two weeks with Ron and Sue, 1st Assembly in Auburn opened their doors to us. They also opened their pantry...and what perfect timing because we had just run out of food and funds! Then in September we moved into Vermont where another cross bearer hosted us! The power couple of Liz and Larry Messier met us in Montpelier ...
Blessings to you and yours! In February, by God’s grace, we carried the cross in eight states. I started the month at my brother’s house in California. If you’ve been following, you already kno w that my Lil’ Red Prius died after arriving on the West Coast. But praise God, I was able to purchase another vehicle at half it’s Blue Book value! I loaded up my Dodge Avenger and drove over the mountain to my friend, Jason’s, place. After an awesome time of fellowship, he asked to be baptized. Shortly after baptizing Jason, my sister-in-law checked in with me to see how my journey was going. I shared with her the praise report, that I had just baptized Jason. She responded, “I wish I knew you did that. I was baptized as an infant and would like to do it again as an adult.” So I went back over the mountain to baptize her. On my way there, she discussed it with my brother and he decided that he would like to be baptized as well! We did a short video series on baptism...
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