Gathering Grounds

Had an awesome time, this past Friday, speaking at a coffee house/ open-mic. The Gathering Grounds coffee house is the second Friday of every month at Providence Church in Royersford, PA. There was great (FREE) food and great entertainment.

Kira Shcherbakova, originally from the Ukraine, a Christian balladeer, started the night off with several selections of songs she wrote herself. Check out her website for more info - This was followed by an open mic time during which Steven Pratt, a member of a group from Maine known as "Fishers of Men" performed three solo numbers. Then I blessed to share testimony from my walk across America. Finally James D. Harvey ended the evening with a few songs. All in all a fantastic evening!!!

Providence Church
1202 S Township Line Road
Royersford, PA, United States 19468
(610) 948-6575



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