CrossWalk Chronicles: Issue 024

Blessings to you and yours!!

During the month of January, CrossWalk Ministry took the message of the Cross through a dozen states: Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and California. By the grace of God, we fed and clothed the homeless, prayed with the sick and hurting, and met many needs for those in difficult times. In Arkansas, we helped Darry fix a flat tire as we discussed the Gospel; at the Kansas line, Matthew wept as we spoke about the love of Jesus; and in Colorado, D'angelo gave his heart to the Lord. Praise God for the good works He has prepared in advance for us to do!
God’s creation never ceases to amaze me. I have enjoyed the sunrise in the Florida Keys and the setting of the same in California. I have seen the great plains and the peaks of the Rocky Mountains extend through the clouds. I carried the cross through snow and also desert sands. I’ve made amazing new friends and caught up with war buddies of old. I stood where Dr. King preached his “I’ve been to the mountaintop” sermon on the eve of his assassination. I’ve been blessed to speak at churches and pray quietly with a widow. I was mocked on the Las Vegas Strip but praise God, we know that we are victorious through Christ who gives us strength!
I could write a book about the experience already, but I’ve heard it said that a picture is worth a thousand words:

Please be in prayer with us for souls to be won and that the Holy Spirit continues to draw people to the cross. This week I’m off the road because my car is in the shop. Please pray with us for God's provision and protection, in Jesus' name!

CrossWalk Giving
Rev. Tobiah P. Steinmetz
1569 W 21st Street
Riviera Beach, FL 33404
(484) 363-3277

Deny yourself and take up your cross! (Mark 8:34)


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