Caleb and Tobiah tag-team Pottstown

Last week Caleb and I decided to take shifts walking in Pottstown. As Caleb got on the road, I snapped this picture of him:

Notice the flyer that says "Jesus <3 You?" A few days before we went all around town stapling hundreds of those up. As I was stapling I noticed that several poles had flyers up for the Mayor... some people have questioned if it's okay to post Christian flyers on the poles; well if the Mayor can do it for her campaign, then we can do if for the Glory of God, Amen!

So, Caleb went out for about three hours and then he called me to relieve him. I drove out and I was surprised to see how far he had gotten! He took the car home and I took up the cross. Shortly after beginning the crosswalk a woman walked up to me with her child in the stroller. She said, "Boy, I've been trying to catch up with you for a while. I wanted to ask why you're carrying the cross." I explained that she had seen Caleb and continued to share the Gospel with her. She confided that she had been in abusive relationships and that her children had been abused. She went on to say that she believes her cross is to help other women they may be in danger of or have been in similar situations. *are you walking in your calling or away from it?

As I continued to walk I saw several familiar faces. A friend of a friend, named JR, was bold enough to pose with the cross:

I walked past the elementary school and as I started toward the high school I began to see school bus after school bus pass by. It was perfect timing, school had just let out. Hundreds of students passed by the cross and I smiled to myself and thought, "Praise God if just ONE seed falls on fertile ground!" I rounded the back of the school and noticed all of the football players in uniform, ready for practice. I could see some confused faces and heard others snicker. After I passed them I heard a familiar voice call, "Toby! Toby, you still carrying that thing?!" I turned back and had a great discussion with my old football coach. He said to keep up the good work! Thank you Jesus for the Men of God in the school systems!! I loved that we got to talk because it showed the players that I was just the average guy, carrying my cross for Christ.

A young woman named Laza crossed the street to talk. She said that she saw me on High Street from her job and then again now, walking past her house. I explained that it was Caleb on High Street, encouraged and prayed for her, and invited her to the church we'd be speaking at.

Once I rounded back to High Street I heard a van that had stalled in the middle of the road. A woman was turning the engine over but it wouldn't start and I could see her children in the back seat. Several people were just watching her as she sat in the road, blocking traffic, and called for help on her cell phone. I leaned the cross up and ran over to see if she needed help. Then, I pushed her van to the side of the road. Wow, it was such a cool opportunity and I felt God working through the whole thing. The onlookers, the cross, for these people to see me lay down the cross to help a was just a cool situation and you had to be there ;)

Then I was running late for my mother's birthday dinner so Caleb drove back out and picked me up.

The End.



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