Grace Tabernacle COGIC Pottstown, PA

The other week we were blessed to preach the Word of God at Grace Tabernacle in Pottstown. It's a long story but last month I was walking down Rt. 100 and a man pulled over to talk. He said that when he saw the cross it was like he "was struck by lightening!" I explained our ministry and that Caleb, Trevor and I would be walking in Washington DC. He went on to tell me that he was a pastor and if I was from town (and pointed back towards Pottstown) he would have asked me to speak at his church. I replied, "I am from town!"

I was going to carry the cross into the church but we wanted to focus on our RISEN SAVIOR and not the image before crucifixion. It was such an awesome refreshing service. If you'd ever like to visit, Grace Tabernacle is at 660 N. Charlotte Street in Pottstown and they have Sunday service at 11am.

I included a testimony about Laza in the last blog post, and praise God, she was able to come out and fellowship with us!:

After preaching there was an alter call and time of anointing:

And following that was feet washing:

Evie and I still feel refreshed from that Sunday and we are so thankful for Bishop Spease and his wife, Gina.


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