Baltimore, Maryland

Just had an AWESOME day CrossWalking Baltimore. I feel like it was the perfect conclusion to our time in Maryland. After fighting through such spiritual warfare, I'm happy that we were able to finish strong. Caleb and I drove downtown and parked by the inner harbor. With our crosses we began to walk away from the city center. I asked a taxi driver where the worst part of the city was and he directed our path. See, the days before we CrossWalked the Inner Harbor, we had a great time of witnessing but it was mostly to tourists. Here are two pics from then:

Today, we wanted to witness far from the tourists and wow, it was SUCH a fruitful day of ministry! It was also a tough day of ministry as we walked through the projects and down streets where every other house was condemned or broken into by squatters. The poverty we saw went hand in hand with Baltimores spiritual condition as the atmosphere was heavy and felt muddled.

On one occasion, Caleb was walking toward a gang on the street corner. One of them backed up from him anxiously and started (I think he was bluffing) reaching for his gun. I crossed over (because we were walking on opposite sides of the road) and told the gang to fear not. We were able to explain that we are sharing the love of Jesus and we ended up talking with them for a while, sharing the gospel and anecdotes from the CrossCountry walk. Then we ended up praying with them...twice, because one young man asked for a specific prayer. Wow, it was so cool seeing their hearts softened by the love of God!

Here's a pic of some kids that were on their way home from school. I love giving "Jesus quizzes" to kids and seeing what they know about God already.

And here's a pic of a gentleman that was walking with his sister and asked if he could walk with the cross:

God bless you and God bless America!


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