Petersburg, VA (When God Blesses You)

After walking in Baltimore one last time, we all felt  peace and closure about leaving Maryland and heading onto Virginia. And with the transition came a new excitement for all of us. God is so good. And he most definitely directs our paths!
Upon our arrival into Virginia, doors immediately opened for Caleb and I to speak at West End Christian school the very next day. Thanks to Ms Kim (music teacher and spiritual mother) we were able to share our journey and testimony with some 45-60 middle school students. Thank you Lord for the chance to sow/share your love with young and open hearts. Everything following this time of ministry was indescribable as we were all blessed and refreshed by God himself.

Previous to Petersburg, VA, I couldn't help the feeling of exhaustion and loneliness. Don't get me wrong, I have come to truly love and embrace my husband's way of ministering to the world; but on this particular trip, it seemed as if the weight of the world were on my shoulders. And by the time we got to VA, I was burned out. It didn't help that I didn't ask God for Grace during this time either. But I guess I got so preoccupied with everything that needed to be done (like dirty diapers, dishes, laundry, breakfast, lunch, and dinner) that I had made God an after thought and could barely keep up with myself, let alone everyone else. What's worse, I became somewhat bitter towards my husband. With distance between me and all of my friends and family, isolation started to feel Oh too familiar. And after long days of being in an RV with no one except my 11th month old baby to talk to; my only desire would be to spend some time with my husband. But that to turned into disappointment as he would be to tired to do anything more than eat and sleep when he came home. It started to seem like ministry was more important than our marriage and after disappointment had settled in, came the frustration. It gets better though :)
After Tobiah and Caleb came home from speaking at West End Christian School; we headed over to the Osborn's house were we were invited for dinner that night; and lo and behold, God works wonders! God used Kim and Bill to graciously open up their home to us, but they didn't just bless us with dinner... They prayed over us... And as they prayed, God spoke through them in a way that I've never encountered before. Everything within my heart and soul was laid bare before God. I went home that night feeling like the woman who encountered Jesus at the well; she went back to the people of her hometown and described Jesus as a Prophet who knew everything she had ever done. I couldn't sleep as I laid there in bed because I felt so completely vulnerable; so known by God and yet so completely loved at the same time. Thank you Lord for refreshing and restoring my heart within a moment in your Presence.
Both Tobiah and I are so thankful for the Body of Christ, as God has used so many people like Bill and Kim to bring healing and refreshment to our souls as we continue this journey. God bless you guys!


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