Pennsylvania/Maryland Border

I had SO much I wanted to write as soon as Caleb and I finished CrossWalking today but when I got back to the camper I was exhausted with a killer headache. It's after 2am here in Bel Air, MD and I just posted this testimony on facebook:

Sound asleep in the camper... I wake up at midnight... WIDE AWAKE. Think to myself, "I should pray and go back to sleep." Then God says, "Go into Walmart." I say, "...hmm, must not be God. It's cold outside, middle of the night, not going." God says, "Go."

I get in there and right away see a family (young mom and dad and toddler daughter) grocery shopping. I was drawn to them...wondered why they were out so late. Walked around the store, they were playing Turbo on the big screens so I got distracted. I picked up a pack of socks, said a couple "God bless you's" to people (but I knew I was missing something).

I got to the check out at the same time as the family I saw earlier. Since they had a full cart, they asked me to go ahead of them. I paid for my socks and went to the redbox kiosk for Turbo (wasn't in there). When I finished browsing the movies and turned to the door the family was leaving as well. I wanted to share the GLORY OF GOD with them, but how do you do that in a few moments with strangers?! So I said something about "racing snails" and told them to have a blessed night.

We went our separate ways but as we were walking through the parking-lot I knew this was what I was woken up for. I walked back to them as they got to their car and told them, "I know this is crazy but I was sound asleep in my camper, blah blah blah (you know the story)." The young woman told me she is Christian but her husband is agnostic. I told them that I know it's late so I'll let them go by the time their groceries are packed. Then in 5 minutes I poured out what God's done in my life and about my current ministry...and they loved it! They seemed so encouraged, God is SO GOOD! I just hope I can fall back asleep
 So, back to today... Caleb and I started off 20 miles into Pennsylvania, and ended just over the Maryland border. We were going to walk US 1 but it is a restricted hwy so we walked the Baltimore Pike. While walking Ms. Anne, the mother of one of my Marine buddies, dropped off a hot chocolate for me on her way to work. Lots of people stopped to talk about the Cross. I snapped a picture of Flora:
She said she believes in a god but I'm praying that she comes to know Jesus!

I was also blessed to take this picture:
I was walking and the woman on the far right pulled over to talk. She was with two other women who stayed in the car. She told me that she was at home and the two other woman saw me and had to get her! As she was walking over to me the woman on the left parked and also walked up to me. Two Lincoln University Policemen stopped to check on us. I asked if we could pray for them but they hurriedly went back to their police-car. We were having an awesome time of fellowship when the couple in the middle joined us. Right after I took this picture one other woman joined us and we held hands and began praying. While we were praying another man came and joined hands with us! When our prayer ended, one of the women was crying and burst out in a testimony that "God is good! My electricity is off in my house, I don't know how I'm going to get through this, but even now, God is good!" Instantly the man that joined us last blessed her financially and I was led to do the same. Wow, it was a powerful time! It felt so great, the 7 of us holding hands, having Holy Ghost prayer, people passing by...all seeing the cross. Many seeds were planted today.

Just a side note, I thought it was interesting that one of the women was from Media Mennonite church. She asked if I knew where it was and that we should stop in sometime. Later on Caleb walked by the church, not knowing that I spoke with a woman from there, and snapped a picture:

 Until next time, God bless and God speed!


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